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What if I told you that you can get ahead of 99% of people, and it only takes 5 minutes a day? It might sound crazy, but it really works. Read this post until the end, and I’ll give you a step-by-step plan to do just that. 

Everything starts with the first steps. I’m a father of three, so I know what I'm talking about. In my work with clients, we call this the "blank slate problem." The truth is, most people are afraid to take the first step. They come up with a hundred excuses not to do it. “I’ve got some money, maybe I should invest in a coffee shop? But wait, I read it’s risky. What if I lose money? Better not even try. We’ve never been rich, so why start now?” My mom always said that, and she had enormous potential she never used due to her insecurity and fear of taking the first step.

Such attitudes prevent most people from developing. I see it every day. I’ve talked to many great professionals who complain about their low salaries. When we discuss starting their own business, they find a million excuses not to do it. They continue at their jobs, while I smile and keep building my business.

In my neighborhood, there’s a gym with lots of outdoor equipment. Do many people use it? No, it’s always half-empty. People love to talk about their problems but hate solving them. If just one person from my area got up in the morning and, instead of dreaming about being fit, went outside and worked out, they’d already be a step ahead of most residents who dream about it daily.

Imagine you’re in a room with a dozen people. It’s a comfortable room with internet access. Some watch TikTok, some play video games, and you don’t have to do anything. Suddenly, an announcement says there’s a key hidden in the room to a more comfortable room with a great bar and a fridge full of food. Everyone hears the announcement and talks about what a great opportunity it is. But almost no one goes to look for the key, thinking they won’t be lucky. They keep watching funny videos while you go and find the key. You’ll have a huge advantage over everyone else. They’ll say you were lucky or had connections, but you just did what anyone could: you took the first step.

This is the concept of small victories. It’s the first level of transforming into a more successful person. Small victories might not seem to bring significant changes, but they are the main driver of progress and require minimal effort. Instead of watching junk videos, listen to an educational podcast. Instead of drinking soda, drink water. Instead of taking the escalator, use the stairs. These little habits will take very little time—just 5 minutes a day. 

Next, embrace the power of discomfort. This gives an emotional boost. Set a goal to leave your comfort zone once a day. The comfort zone is pleasant, but it’s your main obstacle to change. Every day, tell your comfort zone goodbye and do something slightly beyond its limits. But let’s not get extreme - no running naked in the streets. I’m talking about something manageable, like making a phone call to book a restaurant table if that makes you uncomfortable. Each time you step out of your comfort zone, you challenge yourself and grow.

If you fear talking to strangers, make it a habit to start a conversation with someone once a day. It doesn’t have to be someone you’re attracted to - just any person. The goal is to enter the discomfort zone. The emotions and experiences will make you stronger and more confident in the future. Most people never even think about doing this, staying in their comfort bubble.

When I was in school, I was shy about speaking in front of the class. I imagined watching myself from the outside, detaching myself from the situation. This helped me during interviews and public speaking. Now, I don’t need this trick because I overcame that fear by continuously challenging myself.

Finally, understand that pain is a powerful motivator. Pain can drive many people, including myself. It can be the fuel for your progress. You don’t have to wait for someone to hurt or betray you. Knowing pain motivates, you can provoke it in controlled ways. For example, choose a tough exercise you dislike and do it. Convert your emotional pain into a positive force, like sport. This might be an uncomfortable conversation or a tough decision you’re avoiding. Embracing controlled discomfort can propel you towards success.

These three steps helped me, and they can help you too. The only difference between us is that I took these steps, acted against the odds, and you’re still thinking about it. But while you think, someone else is already doing it and moving towards that 1%.

Final Thoughts:

This plan, while simple, is powerful because it focuses on actionable steps that build momentum over time. Small changes accumulate and lead to significant progress. The key lies in starting now, taking that first step, and pushing beyond your comfort zone consistently. Pain, discomfort, and small victories are potent motivators and catalysts for growth. Embrace these strategies, and you’ll find yourself ahead of the curve, moving steadily towards your goals.

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