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Today, I want to share an idea that changed my life. I hope it will impact yours as well. Like any idea, it needs a backstory. So, let’s go back to my school days.

In history class, sitting at the third desk, I felt something wet hit my neck. It happened again and again—I realized my classmates were spitting paper wads at me. I felt extreme shame, humiliation, fear, and terror. Surrounded by 25 students, I heard them giggling, knowing some of them were targeting me. This bullying lasted for two years. But even in the worst moments, I imagined that my true self was hidden safely within my heart. This thought helped me survive.

Once in the cafeteria, a classmate pushed a weak girl into me, spilling tea all over me. Everyone watched, curious about my reaction. I stood up, took my cup, walked over to the bully, and poured my tea on her head. After two years, the bullying stopped, and I thought I had won. But it wasn't over. I suffered from panic attacks until I was 33. I woke up every day feeling like I was going back to school. Even in meetings at my agency, I saw my classmates' faces in my team members. I constantly anticipated betrayal.

I worked with a psychoanalyst to rebuild my mental state and get back on track. Yet, I felt broken. I became afraid to express my opinions, fearing judgment and rejection. I dressed normally, hid my bright ideas, and wrote on social media in a way that avoided any criticism. Above all, I wanted to be brave, express my ideas, and engage with the world without fear.

I felt like something had been taken from me, that I wasn't living my life. I searched for a solution, and it came from an unexpected place. I run an advertising agency, managing complex projects. I wondered, what if I applied these principles to my life? Business projects are designed to succeed. People often hesitate, fearing their ideas will be misunderstood or criticized. But businesses enter new markets and push innovative ideas without fear.

Successful, interesting people act like grand projects - they aren’t afraid of criticism. They propose ideas and seize new opportunities. To live like a grand project, you must think like one. Good marketing won’t work without a sales department, and excellent advertising can't save a poor product. The same goes for our lives. If you envision your life as a grand project, it might look like this:

At the center is management - organizing your time and setting priorities. This allows for not just handling tasks but also enjoying family, leisure, and happiness. The next direction is the mind - your psyche and how you think, which can either propel you forward or hold you back. Working with a psychologist can help you clear these mental blocks.

Next is the body - being healthy and in harmony. This isn’t about being the most beautiful but about being healthy, sleeping well, eating right, and staying active. Then comes capital - our financial stability, education, reputation, and connections, including personal branding if desired.

Finally, values - our family, roots, hobbies, travels, and small joys that make life sweet. All these elements are crucial for a successful life project. At the heart of it all is your uniqueness, the essence of who you are. 

Here are five principles from business that can help you start:

Treat Your Life as a Grand Project: Think big. When you think like a person, fear of failure and judgment holds you back. But as a project, you can try new things and adjust without personalizing failure.

Allow Yourself to Make Mistakes: In life, mistakes are seen as failures. In projects, they are learning opportunities. Successful people experiment and learn from what doesn’t work.

Say Yes to Opportunities: Fear of failure can make you hesitant. But thinking like a grand project, you see opportunities to grow and expand.

Play Loud: Don’t wait for permission. Start living your dreams now. Share your stories, create, and connect with others. Small steps matter.

Do What You Love: Reflect on your childhood dreams and passions. When you pursue what you love, you feel energized and motivated.

Remember, sometimes you might be in the wrong place with the wrong people. When I sat at that desk, I didn’t know how my life would turn out. I chose to treat my life as a grand project. Today, I have a wonderful family, two businesses, and a book, with another on the way. I’ve lived in three countries and wake up eager to live each day fully. 

I want the same for you. You don’t need to be someone special to succeed. Just connect with your heart, align your life with these five directions, and remember that all doors are open to you. Only you decide how to live your life. The stars are in your hands.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for sharing this powerful and inspiring story. Viewing my life as a grand project feels like a game-changer!
How do you recommend getting started with these changes, especially when it comes to setting priorities and managing your time? 

The part that really got me was “The stars are in your hands." I love that!

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Hi @Anri 

I’m so glad the idea of treating your life as a grand project resonated with you! It truly can be a game-changer when you start seeing your life in this way. Getting started can feel overwhelming, but breaking it down into manageable steps can make a huge difference.

What are your biggest time-drains? What’s most important to you that you’ve been putting off? The key is to align your daily actions with your long-term goals, but first, you need to identify those goals.

Here’s a simple approach to begin:

1. Define Your Core Values: What matters most to you? Creativity, Family, career, health? Knowing your values will guide you in prioritizing your time and energy.

2. Set Clear Goals: Think of goals as milestones for your grand project. Start with broad objectives (like improving health or advancing in your career) and break them down into smaller, actionable steps. What do you want to achieve in the next month, six months, or year? Make sure these goals align with your core values.

3. Create a Time Management System: Whether it’s a planner, a digital calendar, or a simple to-do list, find a system that works for you. Schedule time not just for work but also for things that fuel you—family, hobbies, rest. Think of it as managing different departments of your grand project.

4. Start Small and Build Momentum: Focus on one or two areas first. Maybe it’s carving out 30 minutes a day for something you love or dedicating specific hours to a new skill. Small wins build confidence and momentum.

5. Reflect and Adjust Regularly: Just like in any project, regular check-ins are essential. Reflect on what’s working, what’s not, and make adjustments. This helps you stay aligned with your goals and avoid burnout.

“The stars are in your hands” is all about recognizing that you have the power to shape your life. Starting with small, intentional steps will eventually lead to big changes. You’ve got this! What’s the first step you’re thinking about taking?

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