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Everything futurists dreamed about and science fiction writers penned has happened faster than we ever imagined. The challenge now is to draw unexpected conclusions from this flood of information. Our minds struggle to cope, and many of us find ourselves in a constant state of anxiety. The profession you trained for a decade ago may soon become obsolete. So, what should we prepare for, and how should we prepare our children?

New technological solutions and social practices are shaping a new reality. It's evident that soon, we'll be living in an entirely different world. Our children, especially, will experience a reality that feels like a different planet. The past is no longer a reliable predictor of the future, and the speed at which the world is changing is unprecedented. 

The problem is that we live in a state of absolute uncertainty. Our psyche isn't accustomed to such rapid change. Today's newspaper contains more information than a person in the 18th century would encounter in a lifetime. This overwhelming flow of significant information triggers emotional changes and heightens anxiety, leaving many unsure of what to expect from the world.

After World War II, humanity united to prevent a repeat of such a catastrophe, establishing agreements and alliances to ensure collective survival. However, we now see these agreements falling apart, with countries frequently exiting treaties and new agreements often being ignored. The fundamental agreement to honor agreements has eroded, creating a need to reassess our preparations for the future, including the skills and traits our children will need.

According to the World Health Organization, mental health issues are set to become the leading concern, surpassing cardiovascular and oncological diseases. Stress and uncertainty heavily influence our emotional state, leading to numerous psychosomatic illnesses. To cope, some turn to virtual worlds, while others might rely on substances. It's beneficial if individuals find solace in practices like art, sports, yoga, or meditation, avoiding dependencies on chemicals or electronics.

The ability to manage one's mental state, handle stress with internal resources, let go of past issues, dream appropriately, and adapt quickly are becoming highly valuable skills. This may explain the unexpected popularity of projects like "The Laws of Destiny," which emphasize taking responsibility for one's fate and understanding the resources needed for development and confidence.

Emotional resilience and the ability to take responsibility for one's actions are crucial traits for modern individuals. Equally important is mindfulness—the skill of analyzing internal processes, understanding personal needs, and learning from both successes and failures. Continuous learning is also essential. In the past, education was a state's responsibility, but now it's clear that individuals must take charge of their own education, embracing the concept of lifelong learning. Professions are evolving rapidly, and what was relevant a decade ago may soon be outdated.

Personal health management, including proper nutrition, regular check-ups, and following medical advice, is another critical responsibility. Genetic testing can now predict health issues, allowing for preventative measures.

Cognitive flexibility is vital. Sports, particularly those requiring balance and external resource management, can enhance this skill. In business, leveraging external resources is key, as seen with companies like Uber and Airbnb, which thrive without owning physical assets. Information has become the most valuable asset, often surpassing traditional resources in importance.

Creative thinking remains a human domain, essential for making unexpected conclusions from information. With automation handling systematic tasks, the demand for creative solutions and innovative thinking grows.

Emotional intelligence is another crucial skill. Understanding and managing emotions, both personal and others', and communicating effectively are more valuable than ever. With information readily accessible, the ability to integrate facts into a coherent worldview is what truly counts.

Teamwork is essential. Individual efforts must be integrated into a cohesive group dynamic, fostering an environment where collaboration leads to outcomes that individuals couldn't achieve alone. This is increasingly important as work becomes more decentralized.

Digital literacy is fundamental. Those who master modern technologies will thrive, while those who don't will lag behind. Children often surpass adults in technical skills, highlighting the need for continual adaptation.

Finally, the future requires us to embrace distributed intelligence, where collective knowledge and skills are harnessed to solve complex problems. This new social technology will shape how we collaborate and innovate.

In conclusion, to navigate this rapidly changing world, we must cultivate emotional resilience, mindfulness, continuous learning, cognitive flexibility, creative thinking, emotional intelligence, teamwork, digital literacy, and the ability to harness distributed intelligence. These skills will help us thrive and support our children in this new era.

My final thoughts: The rapid pace of change can be overwhelming, but it's also an exciting opportunity for growth and innovation. Embracing these essential skills can help us navigate uncertainties and build a resilient, adaptable society. By preparing ourselves and our children with these tools, we can face the future with confidence and hope.

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