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Ever wonder why it seems like everyone around you is mastering a new skill, hitting the gym, and juggling a thousand tasks, while you feel like you're barely keeping up? You scroll through social media and see people living seemingly perfect lives, and it’s easy to think you're missing out or doing something wrong. But here’s the reality check: you’re not alone in feeling this way, and there's a reason behind it.

When you scroll through your feed, you're seeing a curated highlight reel. It seems like every individual is living a vibrant, multifaceted life, but that's not the full picture. This is a common misconception. For example, you might see a colleague’s vacation photo, your neighbour’s gym selfie, and a classmate's post about a promotion, and it can feel like one person is achieving it all. Your brain starts to create a composite image of success, making you think you’re falling short.

In reality, there’s a lot more to the story. Maybe that colleague who just went on vacation hadn’t had one in a decade. The neighbour might be entirely focused on fitness, with no other interests. The classmate who got promoted might be sacrificing their health and relationships for career advancement. Essentially, you’re only seeing the tip of the iceberg and not the struggles or sacrifices made to achieve those visible successes.

Imagine you could have that promotion too, but it might come at the cost of your health, stress levels, and personal relationships. Is it worth it? This is why comparing yourself to others can be so detrimental—it often leads to feelings of inadequacy.

Instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on your own priorities. For me, these are family, work, fitness, and creativity. I know I only have a finite amount of time and energy each day. If I want to pursue something new, like learning English, it might mean reducing the time I spend at the gym.

To regain control and make the most of your time, I took several steps: I unsubscribed from news feeds and blogs that focus on superficial success, cut down on screen time, and started having tech-free days. Channels that could be useful in the future are archived, so they don’t clutter my feed but remain accessible if needed. This digital detox freed up a significant amount of time. Statistics show that the average American spends about two and the half hours daily on social media, which is roughly a third of a workday, adding up to 75 hours a month. No wonder it feels like life is passing by!

To keep track of my progress in my key areas, I document my achievements. Whether it’s completing a project, never missing a workout, or improving my fitness, I record these milestones. You can use any method for this, from digital notes to a simple notebook. Personally, I use a tool dedicated to my own goals and achievements. It’s a private space where I set annual goals, track my progress, and note my successes. This method helps me stay focused on my own results rather than comparing myself to others and serves as a powerful reminder of my real accomplishments, especially when it feels like everyone else is doing better.

Lastly, life loses its meaning when you don’t have a clear purpose. Without goals, everything feels aimless. Set meaningful goals for yourself—whether it’s improving your health, planning a trip to Australia, or spending quality time with a loved one. Make sure these goals are yours, not imposed by others. Fill your life with a variety of experiences, not just work and money. And remember, the key is to act on these goals and keep moving forward.

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