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You cannot desire something that will harm another person. It is essential to learn to listen to the signals from within yourself. The only person who can truly make you happy is yourself. Learning to do this will ensure a long and healthy life. The world, the universe, is designed for your happiness...

Happiness is a personal journey. You are the architect of your happiness. God created humans with hands, feet, intellect, and soul, and gave them life energy for one purpose: to be happy. Every aspect of yourself and everything around you is a tool to construct your own trajectory of happiness. Recognize that the world and the universe are there to support your happiness. Find your path, your role, and embrace it.

Living in the present is crucial. Many of us tend to postpone life, waiting for the right moment to enjoy it. This mentality of deferring happiness can make us perpetually dissatisfied. Learn to enjoy what you have now. The pleasure scale is fluid; a millionaire’s joy over a new Maybach can be matched by a poor person’s joy over a simple apple. Neurophysiologically, the pleasure is the same. Thus, regardless of your circumstances, find joy in the present.

The best time to plant an apple tree was 20 years ago. The next best time is right now. You can sit on the couch and dream of building your life, or you can start doing it right now. Take the first steps, understand where to go, feel yourself, and start acting. Thoughts alone will not make you happy, but actions directed towards the image you envision and your happiness will lead to something. Moreover, these actions should also bring you joy.

When people ask me where I live, in which country, I respond that I have lived and worked in five countries and traveled to many more. Where do I feel the best? Friends, I always feel best where I am right now. What's the point of sitting in Barcelona and dreaming of Venice? Enjoy Venice when you're there. You can find something to be happy about and amazed by anywhere.

Your life is the result of your choices. Ensure you have many options and never compromise your freedom of movement, communication, and information. These freedoms are fundamental. Good communication expands these freedoms, increasing the chances of optimal choices. The unconscious mind seeks the best way to fulfill our needs, and more options lead to better outcomes. Without options, the unconscious might choose suboptimal or even harmful paths.

Rational selfishness is justified. Each person is born to be happy, and a happy person can make the world better. Start with yourself. Ensure your well-being, then extend your efforts to others. Like a person shielding part of a field to grow a unique fruit, nurture your unique environment to thrive. Geniuses often appear selfish because they are focused on creating their unique micro-environments.

Always set new goals after achieving old ones. There are two stages to any project: planning and execution. The first stage involves creativity and innovation, while the second involves meticulous execution. Knowing when to transition from planning to execution is vital. This approach keeps life filled with creativity and interest.

Learn to let go of the past. Unresolved issues manifest as guilt, blame, and resentment, raising cortisol levels and causing health problems like hypertension, diabetes, ulcers, and even cancer. Learn techniques to let go, as outlined in the book "Kamaloka," which compiles effective methods from numerous psychologists and psychotherapists.

Treat others as you wish to be treated. Respect their individuality, opinions, and space. This democratic approach to relationships fosters a respectful and supportive environment.

Lastly, understand the tripartite nature of the human mind: the unconscious, conscious, and superconscious. Your unconscious is a vast reservoir of knowledge about your body and needs. It communicates through the thoughts and feelings that arise, often without our conscious effort. Paying attention to these signals and understanding their origins can lead to a healthier, happier life.

We must learn to listen to the signals from within ourselves. There is also the superconscious, which is society within our heads. It is the set of rules and demands formed by upbringing, culture, and society. Without it, civilization would not have emerged. Each person would do whatever they wanted, and people would never have united.

Freud came up with the idea that we consist of three parts: the unconscious, the conscious, and the superconscious. The unconscious is the "I." The phrases I'm saying to you now, I don't invent them; they come to me already formed. Recently, physiologists discovered that the unconscious is connected to my entire body, knows all my characteristics, and is aware of the state of each of my organs, including which micro-elements, vitamins, amino acids, oxygen, and moisture are lacking. It integrates all this information and communicates it to the conscious mind in the form of sensory images. For instance, if there is a lack of moisture, a sensory image of thirst appears, and the unconscious immediately suggests how to satisfy this thirst by creating a hallucination of a glass of water or a bottle of mineral water, and I will seek to satisfy this need.

This happens through a state called "dominance," where I start noticing these sensory cues more than anything else. A thirsty person will see water everywhere and try to find water. A hungry person will search for food everywhere and may even hallucinate smells and tastes. A sexually preoccupied person will see sexual objects in all images. Projective tests like the Rorschach test or the Luscher test, which ask people to draw a tree or use popular techniques like Hellinger constellations, allow us to bring out these unconscious needs and associations. It is essential to learn to listen to the signals from within yourself. The superconscious is society in our minds.

Consciousness thinks logically. From below comes "I want," from above "you can't." And consciousness constantly needs to choose between how much I want and the cost to pay because it is either forbidden or expensive. That is why the unconscious always analyzes logically: expensive, beneficial, harmful, promising, not promising, dangerous, not dangerous. The problem with these three structures is that they live in one head but speak different languages. Let's learn to hear our own signals because if the unconscious manages to reach you and it is what you truly need, it will provide you with talents, abilities, and health. And here it is very important to note that a healthy psyche is called healthy and normal because it cannot create something harmful.

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It touches on the concept of "rational selfishness"—the idea that prioritizing our own happiness is not just beneficial to us, but also to others around us. What do you think? Is there a line where focusing on our own happiness might become too much?

Another point that stood out is the importance of living in the present. Many of us get caught up in waiting for the "right moment" to enjoy life, but this text suggests that we should find joy in the here and now, regardless of our circumstances. How do you stay present and appreciate what you have? 

Lastly, the text highlights the need to listen to our inner signals and balance the unconscious, conscious, and superconscious parts of our mind. How do you navigate these internal voices when making decisions?

I’d love to hear your thoughts on these ideas! How do you approach happiness and self-awareness in your life?

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