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Taking Initiative is Valuable

Should You Take Initiative in Relationships, Job Search, and Life in General, or Just Wait for Things to Happen?

People often wonder if they should take the initiative in life—whether in relationships, job searches, or any other aspect—or simply wait for things to fall into place on their own. The truth is, those who promote the idea of waiting are usually speaking from a place of disappointment or failure. They’ve tried and things didn’t go their way, so they choose to wait, hoping that luck will intervene.

But let’s be real: this isn’t how success works. Statistics tell us that only a small percentage of businesses, around 3%, survive their first three years. The rest, unfortunately, go bankrupt. It’s not because those 3% are inherently more talented or lucky—it’s because they kept pushing, learning from failures, and adapting. If you don't take action, you'll never have a shot at being part of that successful 3%.

The same logic applies to personal relationships. If you invest time and effort into building a relationship, there's no guaranteed path to success, but the possibility of a fulfilling outcome exists. On the flip side, if you never take that first step, there's a near-certainty—95% or more—that nothing meaningful will come of it.

So what should you do? The answer is clear: you have to try. The old saying “a rolling stone gathers no moss” fits perfectly here. You can't just sit around expecting things to come to you, like imagining that somehow, magically, a gentle stream of warm water will flow under a rock that’s lying still. There’s no natural law where things just fall into place without effort. If you stay passive, waiting for life to happen, you’ll be waiting forever.

My Thoughts on This

The idea of waiting for things to happen is comforting because it removes the burden of responsibility. But life doesn’t reward those who wait; it rewards those who act, even when the odds are against them. Taking initiative doesn’t guarantee success, but it keeps you in the game, and it’s often the only way to create the opportunities you’re seeking. Life is about movement, choices, and sometimes even failures. Each step you take, whether forward or sideways, is still progress. Success isn’t just about winning; it’s about showing up, trying again, and refusing to stay down when things get tough.



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