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the power of why

What Is a Goal?

We often think we have many goals. If I handed you a pen and some paper right now and asked you to write down your goals, you’d probably jot down things like “lose weight,” “increase income,” or something along those lines. But these aren’t real goals; they’re just surface-level ideas. A true goal answers a much deeper question: Why?

If you understand your “why,” you can handle any “how.” A goal is something you genuinely want because it meets a real need. When you ask yourself why you want something, you should have an inner answer that resonates deeply: This is something I need. It’s not just a fleeting desire or societal expectation.

Let’s say you want to increase your income. You might justify it by saying, “I want to travel more.” But the critical question is, why do you want to travel? Simply earning more doesn’t automatically translate into traveling more. It requires critical thinking and a shift in perspective to truly understand your reasons.

Even if you do manage to travel more, what are you hoping to gain from those trips? What experience are you seeking? Maybe it’s a sense of freedom, adventure, or the opportunity to disconnect and recharge. Knowing this helps you redefine your goal. It’s not just about more money or vacations; it’s about creating space for the things that fulfill you.

For instance, if given more time, I know I’d love to spend it brainstorming, creating, and coming up with new ideas. But I often find myself caught up in explaining things rather than exploring them, which is frustrating because what drives me is the joy of creativity. I have my “why” nailed down, and it’s this inner motivation that keeps me going. Without that, you’re just moving through life without a clear sense of direction, constantly chasing tasks that don’t bring real satisfaction. Knowing your “why” grounds you, helps you prioritize what truly matters, and turns everyday actions into steps toward a meaningful goal.

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