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always not enoughThe curse of our time is insufficiency.

Some people feel they don't have enough time, others lack confidence, and some feel unprepared. Everyone seems to be missing something. This lack forms a massive snowball effect, a diagnosis - an epidemic of insufficiency. It's like a hunger that cannot be sated. But why does this happen? We live in an era where there's an abundance of everything - information, services, opportunities. So, how did we end up feeling so empty and unfulfilled? What is the root of this problem?

The truth is, it all comes down to a lack of purpose, a lack of meaning, a lack of real goals. We believe we have these things—goals, tasks, a sense of purpose—but it’s an illusion. We're drowning in information and images, but none of it truly satisfies us.

Take any blogger, for example—they share snippets of their lives, moving from one topic to another, portraying a life that seems full and purposeful. But ask anyone what they truly want, and they’re at a loss. They might think, "If only I had more of this or that, then I would be complete." But would they? What happens when they finally get what they think they lack?

Let's consider someone who believes they don’t have enough knowledge to pursue their passion. They might say, "I need to learn more, prepare more." And so, they study and study, yet never move forward to actually doing the work they dream of. Why? Because deep down, they fear that work will be boring, difficult, or unfulfilling. The goal, the purpose, isn't clear enough to drive them past these fears.

If you want to be a great soccer player, for example, you have to get on the field. At first, you won't be the best—far from it. But through practice, you'll improve. The point is that having a goal and a purpose makes everything else a tool, not an obstacle. I recommend you to read: Talent is Overrated: Why Effort and Practice Matter More and Smarter, Not Harder | Practical Steps to Real Intelligence

  • In today’s world, very few things require the kind of monumental preparation we believe they do. There’s a wealth of resources and support systems available that make it easier than ever to start something new. The idea that you need to be supremely knowledgeable or prepared before you begin is outdated. We no longer live in a time when a doctor had to be a jack-of-all-trades, ready to deliver a baby, amputate a limb, or treat a cow. Now, there are specialists for everything, and the tools to succeed are more accessible than ever.

Yet, we often behave as though we need to be perfect before we can start. This is a convenient excuse not to begin at all. Maybe our real goal is just to distract ourselves, to procrastinate by watching another series, or to pity ourselves, thinking we are never enough. We convince ourselves that we need to know everything before we can take action, but that’s not true. Start now, and learn what you need along the way. 

We live in an age of information overload, where the amount of knowledge available far exceeds what any one person could ever consume. For example, if you tried to read all the scientific articles on a single disease, you wouldn’t have enough time in your life to finish them. But does that mean you can’t start treating the disease? Of course not. You learn what you need to know as you go, and the rest falls into place.

The key is to understand what you want and why. Once you know that, you realize that you don't need nearly as much as you thought to begin. And once you start, you’ll find that everything you need is within reach.

Imagine waiting until you're completely prepared, until you're an academic expert, and only then stepping into the real world to apply your knowledge. But that’s not how life works. Even the greatest scientists started somewhere simple—washing test tubes, perhaps. Over time, through dedication and curiosity, they made discoveries that changed the world. They didn’t wait until they were ready; they became ready by doing the work.

So, instead of focusing on what you lack, consider what you want to achieve. If you want to be incredibly beautiful, for instance, you might think that once you achieve this, everything will fall into place. But beauty does not guarantee happiness or fulfillment. True connection and happiness come from something deeper, something beyond superficial attributes.

The problem of feeling insufficient in a world of abundance is understandable. We are constantly comparing ourselves to an endless stream of idealized images and possibilities. But, in reality, you don't need much to start doing, achieving, and growing. The world has never been more open to those who are willing to take the first step, however imperfectly.

Remember, insufficiency is normal, but it’s also a starting point. The opportunities are vast, and they’re within your reach. You just need to know what you’re aiming for, why it matters, and then take that first step, even if you feel unprepared.

Final Thoughts:
The reflection on insufficiency strikes a deep chord in our current society. We're surrounded by a culture of comparison and overwhelming options, which can paralyze us into inaction. However, the message is clear: the key to overcoming this is not in waiting to feel ready or complete but in starting the journey with what you have. The path to success is paved with small steps, taken consistently, with a clear purpose in mind. The notion that we must be fully prepared before starting something is a myth that holds us back. By embracing our insufficiencies and recognizing the opportunities within them, we can move forward and find success in ways we never imagined.

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