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Navigating Negativity | Practical Steps to Balance Your Thoughts

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Our brains are constantly active, working 24/7. We’re always thinking, contemplating, and reflecting, whether consciously or subconsciously. Our thoughts can be inspiring and motivating, but they can also be negative, and those negative thoughts are often the biggest drain on our energy. They don’t just tire us out—they can slowly destroy us from within. Today, I’m going to share with you some strategies to help you eliminate negative thoughts once and for all.

Why Do Negative Thoughts Arise?

It’s important to understand that having negative thoughts is normal. Our brains are wired to anticipate and prepare for the future. However, whether our brains focus more on positive or negative scenarios depends on various factors—what’s happening around us, our current mental and physical state, our life history, and even the balance of certain neurotransmitters and hormones in our body.

The Impact of Negative Thoughts on Our Health

Our brains have a structure called the reticular formation, which is part of the ancient reptilian brainstem. This structure functions like a radar system, constantly scanning the environment for important signals. When something significant is detected, it triggers a reaction in the brain, similar to a fire alarm going off in a village, alerting all the neural structures. The signal is then passed on to the amygdala, which are closely linked to the cortex and the hippocampus, the brain's decision-making centers and long-term memory.

When the brain encounters something it understands and knows how to respond to, it gives the green light for action. However, if the information is unclear, it triggers anxiety and fear, putting the body into a state of readiness to react—what we commonly refer to as stress. During stress, the body releases cortisol, which prepares us to respond to external threats, and adrenaline, which readies our body for heightened performance. Glucose is also released to fuel the brain, senses, and muscles.

If this state of readiness is short-lived, it can act as a training exercise for the body. But if anxiety persists for too long, it can become destructive. Blood flow is diverted from the internal organs, like the digestive and reproductive systems, to the muscles, causing those organs to suffer from lack of resources. Hans Selye, a pioneer in stress research, referred to this prolonged state of stress as "distress."

How Negative Thoughts Affect Relationships

Anxiety can lead to increased suspicion, a tendency to predict negative outcomes, irritability, aggressiveness, and heightened sensitivity. All of these can severely strain our relationships with others. Fortunately, there are many techniques available to manage negative thoughts, such as Gestalt therapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). These techniques are worth learning and can significantly improve your mental well-being.

The Power of Positive Thinking and Goal-Setting

One effective way to combat negative thoughts is to fill your mind with positive ones—dreams, plans, and goals in any area of life. When you focus on a goal, your brain engages the dopamine mechanisms, which are part of the reward system. The production of dopamine in this metabolic chain also involves norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter that’s not just associated with talent, genius, and the thrill of success but also with healthy stress—the kind that drives predators, not victims. Unlike adrenaline, which is part of a fear response, norepinephrine supports the immune system, helping you recover from stress.

People who set goals and actively work toward them, whether through mental or physical efforts, tend to be healthier and live longer. If you’re struggling with negative thoughts, the first step is to imagine the worst-case scenario of the event you’re worried about and then find a solution to it. This simple mental exercise can significantly reduce anxiety.

Strategies for Overcoming Negative Thoughts

1. Visualize the Worst-Case Scenario: By facing the worst possible outcome and planning your response, you can often dispel much of the anxiety that surrounds the situation.
2. Engage Your Mind in Other Plans and Thoughts: Diversifying your focus can be incredibly effective. This is why many businesspeople turned to activities like triathlons and marathons during the pandemic and geopolitical crises—it helped them manage their stress.

A Step-by-Step Plan to Eliminate Negative Thoughts

- Set a Goal: It can be in any area—sports, hobbies, or personal interests. The purpose of sports, hobbies, and art is to offer a refuge when the primary activities in life become overwhelming.
- Pursue This Goal Daily: When the world around you seems uncertain, when economic or geopolitical concerns weigh heavily on your mind, find another passion to immerse yourself in. By systematically working toward this new goal, you’ll find that your anxiety begins to fade. This method really works.


Negative thoughts are a natural part of life, but they don’t have to dominate your mind. Understanding their origin and impact allows us to take control. By setting meaningful goals and engaging in positive activities, you can redirect your energy away from anxiety and towards personal growth and fulfillment. The key lies in not allowing these thoughts to take root; instead, replace them with positive actions and ambitions. It’s about turning the power of your mind to your advantage and actively steering your thoughts in a direction that supports your well-being and long-term happiness.

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