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Living on "Autopilot"

For most of our lives, we operate on autopilot. Each of us follows a series of classic life stages: we're born, we go to kindergarten, then school, later maybe university, and eventually, we find a job, start a family, and just kind of live life. But no one really teaches us how to live that life. We carry misconceptions about what life should be like, and these misconceptions prevent us from living the best, most fulfilling life we can.

In this text, we’ll explore eight misconceptions and beliefs that might be holding you back. By addressing these, you can unlock a life that is richer, more interesting, and truly yours. If you take the time to reflect on these points and incorporate the lessons into your life, you’re guaranteed to see positive changes. 

If any of these resonate with you, I'd love to hear about it in the comments. Feel free to share your own misconceptions or thoughts about the ones we’ll discuss. My name is Vadim, an entrepreneur from Siberia, and I’m here to help you navigate this journey.

Misconception 1: "I’ll Start on Monday"

How often have we delayed something important—whether it’s a dream, a new habit, or a tough decision—until "Monday," "next month," or "next year"? It's so convenient to tell ourselves that now isn’t the right time, that better opportunities will come. "I’ll start working out after my vacation," or "I’ll quit this job I hate in a couple of years, once I pay off my debts." We convince ourselves that now isn’t the time, that we’ll tackle these things later. But here’s the truth: the perfect time never comes.

There is no future and no past—there’s only the present moment and the actions we take now. Delaying things is just a trap that works against you. Time is limited, and our lives are brief. In cosmic terms, the average human lifespan of 75 years is nothing more than a blink of an eye. Will you be a spark that no one notices, or a blazing fire that leaves a lasting impression? The choice is yours.

Misconception 2: "I Have Plenty of Time"

Wake up! Time isn’t as abundant as you think. Take me, for example—I'm 28. In another 28 years, I’ll be 56. I’m already living through the most crucial part of my life, the period when most people set the course for who they’ll be and what they’ll do. The decisions I make now shape my future, and time is slipping by faster than we realize.

Yes, you can change your life at any age, but the sooner you start asking yourself the important questions, the better. None of us knows when our time will run out. We might plan to live until 70 or 80, but an unforeseen tragedy could cut that short. We live under the illusion that we have all the time in the world, but the reality is that our time is incredibly limited, and we have no idea when it will end.

Misconception 3: "It Won’t Work Out for Me"

"It won’t work out for me" is one of the most dangerous beliefs you can hold. Whether it’s finding your dream job, building strong relationships, starting a business, or moving to a new city—if you believe it won’t work out, you’re likely using that as an excuse to stay in your comfort zone. It’s easy to stay where you are, especially if you surround yourself with others who share the same limiting beliefs.

But here’s the thing: if even one person out of the 7 billion on this planet has achieved what you want to achieve, then it’s possible. And chances are, there are millions of people who have already done what you aspire to do. The key is to commit, make multiple attempts, and put in the effort required. You can become whoever you want to be, but it’s up to you to make it happen. It won’t be easy—far from it—but it’s definitely possible.

Misconception 4: "I Know Myself"

One of the biggest misconceptions we hold is the belief that we truly know ourselves. Sure, you might know what you like—your favorite coffee, your hometown, your friends—but do you really understand who you are inside? How often do you ask yourself the hard questions? Are you doing what you genuinely want to do, or have you convinced yourself that your current life is okay because "everyone else is doing it"?

We often think we know others well, too—friends, family, colleagues—but the reality is, we can’t know others if we don’t truly know ourselves. We only see others through the lens of our own experiences and perceptions. So, take the time to study yourself, to understand your true desires, and to honestly answer the tough questions. This is the first step to changing your life for the better.

Misconception 5: "To Make Money, You Have to Work Hard"

Yes, hard work is necessary, but the key question is: where are you directing your efforts? If you’re working in a job where the highest salary is $100,000, but you want to earn $500,000, it’s unlikely you’ll reach your goal within that context. That doesn’t mean your work isn’t valuable, but if you want to earn more, you might need to explore different paths.

If you dream of becoming a singer, an actor, or any other profession outside your current field, pursuing those passions might bring you the financial success you’re looking for. When you love what you do, you’ll have the energy and motivation to keep pushing forward, and the chances of becoming successful are much higher. It’s all about finding what you love, being disciplined, and persevering through the challenges.

Misconception 6: "Health Isn’t the Most Important Thing"

You can have all the money in the world, a loving family, lots of friends, and a great reputation—but if your health fails, none of that will bring you true happiness. Health is the foundation of everything. Without it, you can’t enjoy the good things in life. Sadly, the lives of some of the world’s wealthiest individuals remind us that money can’t always buy health. 

You may be lucky enough to recover from an illness and gain a new appreciation for life, or you may find yourself in a battle where the outcome isn’t certain. On the other hand, if you’re healthy but don’t have millions, you can still live a happy and fulfilling life. Take care of your health—it’s the vehicle that carries you from your first breath to your last.

Misconception 7: "People Care What You Do"

One of the most liberating realizations is that people generally don’t care what you do. Whether you try something new, fail spectacularly, or succeed beyond your wildest dreams, people might notice for a moment, but then they move on with their own lives. We tend to overestimate our importance in the eyes of others, which often leads us to hold back.

Remember, everyone is too busy dealing with their own lives to pay much attention to yours. And if someone does spend a lot of time thinking about you, it’s usually because they’re dissatisfied with their own situation. The only person whose opinion truly matters when it comes to your life is yours.

Misconception 8: "Now I Know Everything"

The belief that you’ve learned all there is to know, especially in a certain field or aspect of life, is a surefire way to stunt your growth. The moment you tell yourself, "I’ve got it all figured out," is the moment you stop learning and evolving. 

In reality, our understanding of the world is shaped by our past experiences, but that doesn’t mean our version of the truth is the *only* truth. There’s always more to learn, more to discover, and more ways to grow.

Final Thoughts

Life is full of misconceptions that can hold us back, but recognizing and challenging them is the key to unlocking a fuller, richer existence. The journey to self-awareness and improvement is ongoing, and it requires us to be honest with ourselves and brave enough to take action. Remember, life is short—make it count by living intentionally, pursuing your true desires, and never stopping your growth. If you embrace these ideas, you’ll find that life can be much more than just going through the motions. It can be extraordinary.

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