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Everything posted by Monk

  1. What to Do When You Feel Disconnected from Your Goals and Desire Hello and welcome to another insightful coffee break with purpose. 🙂 Today, we’re diving into a pressing topic: what to do when you feel completely uninspired and even question the worth of your goals. This issue resonates with many, and understanding it can bring significant clarity and change. The Question at Hand A reader recently shared their story during a live broadcast: “Good day. For the past seven years, I’ve been feeling completely unmotivated and disconnected from my goals. Lately, I’ve noticed that I don’t even want to leave the house. My hobbies, fitness routine, work, and even shopping bring me less and less joy. With my 40th birthday approaching, I no longer see dreams or prospects for development. It feels like I've experienced everything life has to offer. How can I find the energy to continue growing? I keep asking myself: ‘Why do I need to achieve these goals? Why do I need to maintain a fit body?’ And I can’t find an answer. How do I escape this state?” Thank you for this heartfelt question. Many people may find themselves in a similar situation, feeling stuck despite past achievements. Let's explore why this happens and how to navigate these feelings. Understanding the Core Desire At the heart of human motivation is a fundamental desire: to feel valued and fulfilled. This core need drives much of what we do, from childhood through adulthood. We crave acknowledgment and validation from others, often striving to be seen and valued. When someone holds a deep-seated belief that they are not good enough - no matter their accomplishments—they may feel everything in life is meaningless. This belief can create a cycle where no matter how much they achieve, they feel empty and unsatisfied. The Illusion of Fulfillment Often, people are driven by the illusion that achieving certain milestones - such as financial success, physical fitness, or social accolades - will finally make them feel complete and fulfilled. However, reaching these goals can sometimes lead to an unexpected realization: nothing has truly changed. Why does this happen? Because the fulfillment we seek is not always found in external achievements. If our sense of self-worth and happiness depends on external validation, we may find that even the most significant achievements fall short. Revisiting Goals and Aspirations Why might someone feel that their goals are no longer relevant or necessary? This feeling can stem from a deeper, unaddressed belief that they are unworthy or that their expectations of success are misaligned with their true desires. It’s crucial to evaluate the kind of goals and aspirations you envision. Sometimes, the mental image of what success should be might not align with what you genuinely want or need. Reassess your expectations and desires to ensure they are realistic and fulfilling. Creating a New Narrative One reason you might not feel motivated is that you haven’t imagined your goals in a way that truly excites you. Furthermore, if you feel there’s no one to impress or seek validation from, it can sap your motivation. It’s also possible that those around you have no particular expectations or are content with their lives as they are. They may not expect you to achieve extraordinary feats or embody a certain ideal. This realization can sometimes lead to the feeling that your goals are unattainable or meaningless. Redefining Your Path To overcome this, start by crafting your own life narrative. Reflect on who in your life may have lived unfulfilled or unhappy lives and consider if you’re unconsciously following a similar path. Break away from the default script and write your own. Seek out new environments and communities, like our Flexian Community, where your goals are valued and where you can find the encouragement and recognition you need. Engage with people who share your ambitions and can support your journey. Embracing Internal Fulfillment Ultimately, every pursuit in life is driven by a search for certain feelings - joy, satisfaction, love, and acceptance. If you learn to cultivate these feelings within yourself, you’ll find success and fulfillment more readily. Start by focusing on self-acceptance and happiness today. Look at your life and ask yourself: What emotions are you carrying? Whose path are you following? And how can you create your own fulfilling journey? Final Thoughts Reflect deeply on your current emotional state. Are you feeling anxious, dissatisfied, or overwhelmed? Identify these feelings and question their origins. Are they influenced by the life paths of those around you? Understanding and addressing these aspects can help you create a more fulfilling and authentic life path. Explore resources and practices that support this journey and take proactive steps towards crafting your own unique and satisfying story. Remember, your journey towards fulfillment starts with recognizing and embracing your own desires and needs. So, take this moment to reflect and start shaping your own path. Audio version of the post (you need to be a registered member for listening) Feel Disconnected.mp3 I also recommend you to read related article:
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