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  1. Audio version of the post (you need to be registered member for listening): Unnecessary Thoughts- Journaling.mp3 I remember the day I decided to start keeping a journal. It was a recommendation from a friend who swore by the benefits, but I was skeptical. My mind was constantly cluttered with thoughts, anxieties, and unfinished ideas. I desperately needed a way to find clarity and peace. The first time I sat down with a blank notebook, I felt overwhelmed. Where do I begin? What if my thoughts were too jumbled to make sense on paper? I stared at the blank page, feeling a mix of fear and excitement. Then, I took a deep breath and started writing whatever came to mind. It was like opening a floodgate. Words poured out, and I felt a strange sense of relief, as if I was unloading a heavy burden. Initially, it was challenging. There were days when my thoughts seemed too chaotic to capture, and my writing felt disorganized. But I pushed through, remembering the wise words of Marcus Aurelius: "Cleanse your soul and mind to find peace." Slowly, I began to see the process as a way to transform my abstract thoughts into something tangible. This transformation helped me understand myself better, identifying the true sources of my anxiety and finding ways to address them. Some days were harder than others. I remember a particularly tough week when I felt overwhelmed by work and personal issues. Writing about my fears and frustrations felt like reliving them, and I questioned whether journaling was helping at all. But then, I noticed something: by putting my worries on paper, I was also distancing myself from them. They seemed less intimidating when confined to the pages of my journal. As time went on, journaling became a mirror for my emotions and experiences. I started seeing patterns in my behavior and reactions, which allowed me to understand the root causes of my stress. Seneca's advice on frequent reflection became more relevant: "Regular reflection on one's actions helps us become better." Analyzing my day-to-day actions and responses helped me learn from my mistakes and gradually improve. The beauty of journaling is that there are no rules. I wrote about anything and everything—my dreams, fears, plans, and doubts. Each entry was a way to clear my mind and make room for new thoughts. It felt like cleansing a temple, bringing a sense of inner peace and clarity. Of course, not every journaling session was a breakthrough. There were times when my mind was so cluttered that writing felt like a chore. But even then, the act of organizing my thoughts on paper helped reduce the chaos in my mind. I started noticing patterns between events and my reactions, realizing that many of my worries were unfounded. This realization built my resilience and confidence. Epictetus once said, "Difficulties show what humans are capable of." This resonated with me as I faced challenges head-on through my writing. By confronting my difficulties instead of running from them, I grew stronger and wiser. Each entry in my journal was a step towards understanding myself and finding inner peace. Journaling became more than just a way to record my thoughts. It became a path to inner liberation and harmony. It helped me focus on what truly mattered, finding strength within to overcome life's challenges. Every line I wrote brought me closer to self-understanding and peace. Looking back, I realize that my journal has become not only a repository of my thoughts but also a source of inspiration and wisdom. It accompanies me on my journey to self-knowledge and inner harmony, a testament to my growth and resilience.
  2. Using deep breathing techniques for relaxation and mind cleansing is one of humanity's oldest and most effective practices. Ancient philosophers, sages, and healers realized that breathing is not just a physiological process but also the key to harmony of the soul and body. When you pay attention to your breathing, you begin to recognize its rhythm and depth. This awareness is the first step towards inner peace in a world full of hustle and worry. Breathing exercises allow you to pause, feel the present moment, and return to yourself. Ancient philosophers understood the power of breathing, considering it a bridge between the body and spirit. Seneca wrote, "Who is calm within is not frightened by anything from without." Through breathing, you can achieve this inner tranquility. Deep breathing helps you release tension accumulated in the body and cleanse the mind of unnecessary thoughts. Each inhale fills you with life energy, and each exhale carries away worries and tension. This process is reminiscent of an ancient purification ritual, where you let go of the unnecessary and open yourself to the new. Inspired by these ancient practices, one can find a path to harmony and peace. Breathing exercises require your attention and concentration. It is not just a mechanical action but a meditation in motion, a conscious action that leads to deep relaxation. When you focus on your breath, you detach from the outer world and its irritants. This process helps you calm the mind and achieve a state of inner peace. Marcus Aurelius, reflecting on the significance of breathing, said, "Inhale the spirit of tranquility and exhale the spirit of worry." These words remind us of the importance of controlling our thoughts and emotions, using breathing as a tool to achieve harmony. At the moment when you become aware of your breathing, you become the master of your inner state. The ancient Greeks and Romans used various breathing techniques to achieve different goals—from preparing for battle to relaxing after a long day. They knew that proper breathing could change the state of mind and body, leading to clarity of thought and deep relaxation. This experience was passed down from generation to generation, enriching it with new wisdom. In our days, these ancient practices remain relevant. Breathing exercises can be used at any moment when you feel overwhelmed. By closing your eyes and focusing on your breath, you can find the peace and tranquility so necessary in the modern world. Breathing exercises are a path to self-knowledge and inner harmony. They teach us to be mindful and present in the moment, freeing the mind from unnecessary thoughts and tension. As Epictetus wrote, "People are not disturbed by things, but by their perception of them." By controlling your breath, you control your thoughts and emotions, achieving a state of inner peace and harmony. Use the power of breathing to unlock new potential within yourself. Let each minute spent in mindful breathing become a step towards inner balance and wisdom. In this lies the true power and depth of ancient practices that help us remain calm and confident in any life trial.
  3. Audio version of the post (you need to be a registered member for listening): Unnecessary Thoughts-Physical activity.mp3 Physical activity undoubtedly serves as a powerful tool for relieving stress and distracting from intrusive thoughts. In ancient times, both philosophers and warriors understood the importance of keeping the body in motion, seeing it not only as a means of maintaining health but also as a way to strengthen the spirit. Physical activity allows you to achieve balance, just as ancient philosophers sought harmony between body and soul. When you engage in sports or exercise, your body begins to function on a new level, stimulating the release of endorphins, the so-called happiness hormones. These chemicals, released by the brain, help reduce stress levels and improve mood, allowing you to detach from anxious thoughts and find inner peace. This activity carries something profound and symbolic. As Seneca wrote, "The strongest person is the one who can control their emotions." Physical activity becomes a kind of meditation in motion. It requires concentration and discipline, directing energy toward performing exercises rather than worrying. Imagine how your body comes alive with each movement, how blood circulates faster through your veins, filling you with life force. Each step, each effort becomes part of your journey toward inner balance. It is not just a physical exercise but a ritual of purification and strengthening the spirit. In this moment, you free yourself from the burden of daily worries, allowing your mind to relax and recover. The variety of physical activities opens up many opportunities for self-expression and finding inner harmony. Running in the morning park, practicing yoga, swimming in clear water, or strength training can all become your path to freeing yourself from stress and intrusive thoughts. As Epictetus said, "Difficulties show what humans are capable of." Physical activity is a challenge that helps you unlock your potential and strengthen not only the body but also the spirit. By engaging in sports, you learn to overcome your limits, reach new heights, and cope with difficulties. This teaches you patience, perseverance, and self-control, essential virtues for achieving inner peace. At the moment when your body is tired, and your mind is cleared of unnecessary thoughts, you reach a state that philosophers called ataraxia—inner peace and tranquility. Physical activity becomes your ally on the path to self-knowledge and inner balance. Through movement, you gain the opportunity to free yourself from stress and worries, finding within yourself the strength and calm needed to overcome any life challenges. As Marcus Aurelius said, "True strength lies in the tranquility of the spirit." Let physical activity be your key to this state, helping you achieve harmony and peace in your soul.
  4. Audio version of the post (you need to be registered user for listening): Strategic-Thinking-Revolver.mp3 Transporting a valuable cargo from point A to point B faster than a competitor is a high-stakes challenge that demands quick thinking and decisive action. You decide to stick to a familiar route, but your rival, who started from the same point, reaches the destination first. How did they do it? Likely, they had a broader perspective and took a riskier, yet shorter, route. While you were devising your plan, your narrow view prevented you from seeing the whole picture and assessing all the risks correctly. This scenario mirrors the journey of Jake Green, the main character in the movie "Revolver". Jake's mission is to confront the man who sent him to prison and reclaim what is rightfully his. However, for a long time, Jake cannot see the entire situation strategically. Strategic thinking is a crucial skill, not only in business but also in communication and personal development. Although it is a rational process, it is deeply influenced by our emotions, experiences, and circumstances. In "Revolver", Jake Green's story illustrates the importance of strategic thinking and the obstacles one may face in developing it. As we follow Jake's journey, we see how he transforms his perspective to rise above his circumstances and shift from being a victim to becoming a victor. Here are some interesting facts about the movie "Revolver": 1. The money that the character Avi sniffs is in $12 bills, which do not exist in real life. 2. In the original version, Ray Liotta's voice is slightly distorted to make him sound otherworldly, but this effect is lost in dubbed versions. The structure of "Revolver" is akin to a chess game, where each scene represents a move by either side, and the outcome of the entire game hinges on these moves. Players demonstrate their strategic thinking by anticipating future scenarios, evaluating the best possible outcomes, and making decisions based on available resources. While one can achieve goals without strategy, relying solely on skills or luck can lead to unpredictable results, especially when opponents are not evenly matched. Strategic thinking helps in organizing resources and ensuring they work together effectively. Although not entirely understood, some researchers argue that only about 10% of people naturally possess strategic thinking skills, often those with strong visual representation and information perception abilities. However, others believe these skills can be developed through practice. A strategic thinker envisions the future clearly, articulates this vision to others, and formulates actionable steps to achieve it. Setting a goal is just a part of the process; equally crucial is planning the steps to reach it. Goals should be realistic, achievable, and time-bound. For instance, while Elon Musk has achieved numerous ambitious goals, the feasibility of creating a self-sustaining civilization on Mars remains uncertain despite his substantial resources and time. To illustrate the strategic thinking journey, let's delve into Jake Green's mental transformation in "Revolver". Initially, Jake's inability to adapt, assess risks, and consider alternative strategies hinders his quest for revenge. Time in solitary confinement allowed Jake to devise a formula to win any strategic battle, intellectualizing his strength but leaving him emotionally volatile. Jake's strategic thinking is influenced by unconscious beliefs and fears: 1. The belief that he must recover what was taken from him. 2. The desire for revenge against those he perceives as responsible for his imprisonment. 3. Claustrophobia, an irrational fear that symbolizes internal constraints. To overcome these obstacles, Jake must confront and defeat his unconscious beliefs and fears. This process is represented by his interactions with characters Zack and Avi, who symbolize his internal logical and intuitive processes. They force Jake to face his fears head-on, such as when they make him confront his claustrophobia by trapping him in an elevator. As Jake evolves, he realizes that true strategic thinking requires flexibility, adaptation, and self-control. He learns to let go of his fears and preconceived notions, allowing him to see the bigger picture and make more informed decisions. By the film's end, Jake has moved beyond seeking revenge and instead uses his strategic insights to outmaneuver his enemies. Ultimately, "Revolver" teaches that the path to strategic thinking involves a deep understanding of oneself, overcoming internal fears, and maintaining self-control. It's a skill that goes beyond rationality, deeply intertwined with our emotional and psychological state. Jake's journey from victim to victor illustrates the power of strategic thinking in transforming one's life.
  5. @Olga In today's interconnected and collaborative environment, social and emotional skills are indispensable. They enable individuals to navigate complex interpersonal dynamics, build strong relationships, and lead effectively. For example, in my own career, I’ve noticed that those who excel in communication, empathy, and emotional regulation often outperform those with purely intellectual prowess. A former manager of mine, not necessarily the most technically skilled, was incredibly effective because he could inspire and manage his team with empathy and insight. This underscores how emotional intelligence can drive success in ways that raw intellectual ability alone cannot.
  6. Perceptions about intelligence can greatly shape the paths people take in life. For instance, those labeled as "not smart" might steer clear of challenging academic or career opportunities, believing they are beyond their reach. This can create a self-fulfilling prophecy, where individuals limit their own potential based on external opinions. On the other hand, individuals constantly praised for their intelligence may feel pressured to meet high expectations, sometimes at the cost of their mental well-being. I’ve seen friends who excelled in school but later struggled with the immense pressure to maintain that standard in their careers, leading to burnout.
  7. @Super Absolutely! Regular physical exercise has significantly improved my mental clarity and focus. After starting a consistent workout routine, I noticed better memory retention and quicker problem-solving abilities. This is backed by research showing that exercise increases blood flow to the brain and promotes the growth of new neurons. It's a reminder that a healthy body truly supports a healthy mind.
  8. Let's see - no doubt that intelligence is a significant thing, it's not the sole determinant of success. Personal experience and numerous studies suggest: Other factors like perseverance, emotional intelligence & social skills are equally vital. For instance, I know several highly intelligent individuals who struggled professionally because they lacked interpersonal skills. Conversely, people with average IQs but exceptional emotional intelligent skills, communicational and social often excel in their careers.
  9. Yes, I plan to experiment with blending analog and digital methods, such as using apps to organize notes taken from physical books. I'll also explore mnemonic devices and spaced repetition to enhance long-term retention. Continuous learning from experts in the field and adapting their strategies to fit my needs will be key to ongoing improvement. Also recommend you to read my post about continues learning technics:
  10. There was a question from my colleague I would like to answer here as well: What role does critical thinking play in the process of improving memory retention for reading? So, Critical thinking is crucial as it involves actively engaging with the material, questioning assumptions, and making connections with existing knowledge. This deeper level of cognitive processing enhances understanding and retention. By critically evaluating the content and summarizing key points, you strengthen the neural pathways related to the information. I also recommend you guys to read our posts related to critical thinking, they really help.
  11. @Olga thanks for your question. From my experience and Ryan Holiday's insights, physical books do seem more effective for memory retention. The tactile experience of turning pages, making physical notes, and the lack of digital distractions contribute to better focus and engagement. However, digital and audiobooks have their place, especially for convenience and accessibility.
  12. @Monk The biggest challenge was the time commitment and the initial slowdown in my reading pace. It felt tedious at times, but reminding myself of the long-term benefits kept me motivated. Breaking the process into manageable chunks and focusing on the value of quality over quantity helped me stay on track.
  13. @Super Ryan Holiday's system involves marking interesting sections while reading and then transferring those notes onto index cards organized by themes. This method not only helps in retaining information but also in quickly accessing it later. Traditional methods often involve highlighting and marginal notes, but they lack the systematic organization that Ryan’s method offers.
  14. @Monk My frustration with forgetting key points from the countless books I've read drove me to find better methods. I wanted to ensure that the time spent reading would result in long-lasting knowledge and practical insights. Seeing how effortlessly others, like Ryan Holiday, could recall information motivated me to improve my memory retention.
  15. Audio version of the post: Super Memory.mp3 Imagine being able to pick up any book, read it, and recall almost everything you learned. This super memory might sound like science fiction, but many people demonstrate incredible information retention abilities. Unfortunately, I'm not one of them. I've read hundreds of books, blogs, and articles, but when it's time to recall something, I often draw a blank. Determined to address this weakness, I turned to the wisdom of some of the world's smartest individuals. In this text, you'll learn how to integrate the most effective memory techniques into your life. Think about a book you read last year, whether for study or work. Can you recall at least five facts from it? Could you summarize the book to someone else? Let's test this out on myself. For instance, "Steal Like an Artist" suggests that a creative person finds inspiration in others, so you need to "steal like an artist." However, this book is fresh in my mind. Now, what was I talking about? Oh, right, about how great ideas are simple and easy to understand. That's all I remember. Despite reading "The 48 Laws of Power" just a month ago, I can't recall a single law. It's often futile to read non-fiction, especially self-help books, if you're not ready to absorb and implement the advice. Upon investigating, I found that memory retention varies significantly from person to person. Some people have terrible memories, others exceptional, and some even possess photographic memory. As you might guess, the average memory is often shallow and unreliable. We tend to remember events that involve intense sensory experiences, like getting hit by a ball. However, the chances of recalling an interesting moment from a self-help book are slim. So, how do we level the playing field? I sought advice from an expert. I read online that you've read 3,000 books. Is that true? "I don't know," he replied, "it's like asking how many partners someone has had. Not really a question I can answer." Ryan Holiday, the author of international bestsellers like "The Obstacle Is the Way" and "Ego Is the Enemy," has an incredible memory. When I interviewed him in 2019, I was amazed by his ability to juggle quotes and stories from books he had read over the years. "Eisenhower mentioned this," he'd say. "William James talked about that." He often quotes Blaise Pascal, Buddha, Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, and Confucius. I needed to know his secret, so I reached out to him. One of the main reasons for our conversation today is that I struggle to remember anything from non-fiction books. How can I learn to recall what I've read and apply these ideas in my life? Ryan advised lowering the stakes. "If you manage to pull one or two actionable insights from a book, it can change your life. Paying $11 for a book is a small price for two game-changing takeaways, right?" Many people think, "I can't remember anything," but a book is a journey. Even pulling a few nuggets of wisdom is worthwhile. Ryan shared a method he learned from working with Robert Greene, a fantastic writer. He marks interesting pages and makes notes, highlighting what resonates with him. Then, he transcribes these highlights onto index cards, organizing the information by themes. This method allows him to catalog all the useful content from a book into specific categories. I decided to test Ryan's system with his book "The Obstacle Is the Way." Armed with a highlighter, pen, sticky tabs, and a stack of index cards, I dove in. Ryan's system can be broken down into three steps: taking notes while reading, reviewing and correcting notes after reading, and categorizing notes. This method is effective because it helps our brains retain information in what's known as explicit memory, a type of long-term memory associated with remembering facts and events. Ryan's approach, known as the heuristic method of learning, allows prioritizing information based on its frequency of use: often used, recently used, or needed for decision-making. Becoming a master reader involves engaging deeply with the book, making notes, and applying the information. Ryan prefers physical books over digital or audiobooks because the tangible experience enhances memory retention. I read "The Obstacle Is the Way" thoroughly, extracting heaps of valuable insights. Although I read slowly, implementing Ryan's system made me slow down even more, by about 30-40%. I hope this effort pays off in terms of better memory retention. Next, I transferred the best ideas, quotes, and stories onto index cards. This methodical process took time, but it was worth it. Organizing these notes by categories made me realize that we don't remember things randomly. Systematizing and organizing notes by sections, themes, and topics is crucial. Although it might be too early to judge the long-term impact on my memory, I feel I've made significant progress. I've learned that while you can't remember everything, you can create mental labels that make recalling information easier. If you're wondering if I'll continue using this method, I probably will, adapting it to my needs. Whether you prefer Ryan's analog system or a digital approach, the key is to start. It's better to begin imperfectly than be paralyzed by the illusion of perfection. Ryan's system, refined over years, works for him and makes him better. Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed this, subscribe to the channel and hit the bell icon to stay updated. My journey into the world of memory and learning systems is just beginning. Soon, I'll release a video on building a "second brain" using a digital ecosystem of apps to manage information.
  16. Audio version of the post: Rethinking Intelligence.mp3 Imagine being faced with the choice of being smart or foolish. Who in their right mind would choose foolishness? From a young age, we are taught that being smart is good, and being foolish is bad. Rarely are we praised with "You little fool," unless it's in jest. Instead, we're often praised with "You clever one." This idea carries an obvious implication: if you're smart, you'll succeed in anything you do. And let's not forget, women supposedly prefer smart men over just handsome, brave, or ambitious ones. This very channel is dedicated to intellectual content, and you're likely here to exercise your brain. The internet is flooded with articles and videos on how to become smarter and develop your intellect. It seems we fear being foolish, as if it dooms us to unhappiness, poverty, and loneliness. However, things aren't that black and white. In this video, we’ll explore whether you can become smarter while sitting on the toilet, how intelligence and foolishness affect our happiness and success, and why hitting the gym might be better for your brain than playing chess. Intelligence vs. Wisdom Let's clarify what we mean by "intelligence." Often, intelligence and wisdom are used interchangeably, but they can be different. Intelligence typically refers to the cognitive abilities of our brain, encompassing logic, memory, learning, planning, abstract thinking, creativity, and critical thinking. It's the brain's ability to solve a wide range of problems. But why do some people not fully utilize their intelligence? It's not necessarily because they're foolish, but because their everyday tasks don't require solving a wide range of problems. Meanwhile, those we deem smart often do use their full intellectual potential because their professions demand it. Myths and Misconceptions About IQ So, how do we measure intelligence? Commonly, through IQ tests. While many argue that IQ tests are not comprehensive and focus mainly on logic, have you ever taken a genuine IQ test? Most online IQ tests are rubbish. True IQ tests measure various cognitive abilities and are much more comprehensive than the simplified versions you find online. The Wechsler Test Among the real IQ tests, the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) is considered the most reliable. It assesses multiple cognitive domains: verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory, and processing speed. Each category contains subtests that thoroughly evaluate different intellectual capabilities. This test must be administered by a qualified professional under strict conditions to ensure accuracy. Intelligence and Longevity Research shows a strong correlation between higher IQ and longer life expectancy. A Swedish study of over a million 18-year-old men found that those with higher IQs had significantly lower mortality rates over a 20-year period. The difference in death rates between the highest and lowest IQ groups was threefold, particularly in causes like poisoning, fire, falls, drowning, and traffic accidents. Happiness and Intelligence Contrary to the stereotype of the "tortured genius," higher IQs are associated with lower incidences of mental disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. People with higher IQs also report greater life satisfaction. However, factors like social engagement, physical activity, and financial stability can significantly mitigate the influence of IQ on happiness. It's sometimes better to be active and engaged than simply intelligent but inactive. Can You Get Smarter? While playing brain games and solving puzzles can temporarily boost your cognitive skills, these effects are often short-lived. The idea that playing chess or doing Sudoku will make you permanently smarter is a myth. However, physical exercise has been shown to improve brain health and cognitive function significantly. Regular physical activity can boost your IQ and enhance your overall brain performance. Conclusion Being smart is undeniably beneficial. Intelligence correlates with better health, higher earnings, and greater life satisfaction. But, it's important to note that being active and engaged in life is equally important. For those who may not be exceptionally intelligent, engaging in physical exercise and social activities can still lead to a fulfilling and successful life. Remember, intelligence is not the sole determinant of success. Persistence, adaptability, and a willingness to take action often play just as crucial a role. So, don’t just focus on being smart; be active, stay engaged, and never stop learning.
  17. Audio version of the post (you need to be registered user for listening): Morning Exercise.mp3 Throughout history, humans have always sought keys to unlock the full potential of their bodies and minds. They have yearned for ways to become stronger, smarter, and to gain control over their destinies and entire generations. Our world has changed dramatically over time, with ancient wisdom dissolving and losing its original essence. Nowadays, people increasingly fail to understand the purpose behind their actions. While there's no golden pill to instantly solve all our problems, we do have a mold to forge a new, improved version of ourselves. Every morning, we have a unique opportunity to set the tone for the rest of our day. Morning is when we have the most energy and drive, our prime time, which many of us waste. Millions of people are unaware of their body’s potential each day. The first hour of the day can play a decisive role in harnessing this potential. This is the essence of the morning magic—a concept that has taken the world by storm, creating an entire culture around productive mornings. However, this culture has often been diluted and lost its core purpose. Our mission is to sift through this noise and find the most balanced solution for the morning routine. Today’s episode is dedicated to the first and most powerful morning habit: exercise. We'll explore why physical activity was a key factor in making us one of the healthiest nations in the world, and how it impacts our health today. We'll identify the three main systems upon which our health rests, and craft a ready-made structure for you to implement in your morning routine. Your strength lies in your habits, my friend, whether they lead you to the light or dark side of power. Here’s the essence of our morning, symbolized by a ring of power, reflecting the legend. This ring is our morning routine, divided into stages that guide us through an efficient morning to live our best day. Exercise is just one of these stages; the rest will be explored later. To understand the importance of exercise, we need to dive into the science of our bodies. Our bodies are powerful, sophisticated biological machines where every part is interconnected. By focusing on exercise, we ensure our joints, muscles, and internal systems function optimally. Simple movements like stretching and light exercises can prevent many health issues and keep us fit and functional well into our older years. The morning exercise isn’t just about physical health; it’s a powerful tool for mental well-being too. Regular physical activity leads to significant improvements in other life areas, enhancing brain function and mental resilience. Developing a habit like morning exercise creates a positive feedback loop, fostering other healthy habits over time. To structure an effective morning routine, we’ve delved deep into the topic to filter out the non-essential and present you with the most balanced solution. Our morning routine comprises several key elements: mobility exercises, strength training, balance work, light massage, and stretching. Each of these components plays a vital role in maintaining and improving our overall health. Mobility exercises are crucial for joint health, preventing stiffness and enhancing movement range. Strength training helps pump blood and other fluids through the body, supporting cardiovascular health and muscle maintenance. Balance exercises improve coordination and cognitive function. Light massages and stretching aid in relaxation, circulation, and muscle health. Consistency is key. Start your day with a structured routine that includes these elements, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Over time, you’ll notice significant improvements in your physical and mental well-being. By focusing on these foundational practices, you create a solid base for a healthier, more productive life. In conclusion, let’s revive the ancient wisdom of morning exercises to reclaim our health and vitality. Embrace these habits and make them a part of your daily routine. Let’s forge a new version of ourselves, stronger and more resilient than ever. Together, we can achieve a balanced life, full of health and happiness.
  18. Audio version of the post: Skills Fast and By Yourself.mp3 Mastering Skills Without Mentors or Books: A Journey into Self-Education Imagine a world where you don’t need mentors, books, courses, or roadmaps to become an expert—not just in coding but in any discipline. What if you could master anything quickly and on your own? This video dives into a serious topic: the deceptive world of educational resources and the essential questions that can help you navigate your learning journey. The Problem with Conventional Learning Tools We live in a world saturated with apps like Obsidian that hog space on our devices, and mentors (like me) who consume your most valuable asset: time. There are countless videos promising to teach you Spanish in an hour or Python in a day. These are often misleading, creating an illusion of progress where none exists. Today, let's skip the usual advice about hard work or revolutionary techniques. Instead, let's discuss the three main pitfalls in education: false logical connections, meaningful misconceptions, and willpower. We’ll also answer crucial questions like why you’ve struggled for years to learn something and what John Frum's cargo cult has to do with it. False Logical Connections in Learning Let’s break down a common mistake using an example from programming. Think of aspiring programmers who read a book on CSP (Communicating Sequential Processes) and expect to become proficient coders. When it doesn’t work, they blame the book and start a never-ending cycle of seeking new resources. This is akin to the John Frum cargo cult, where islanders built mock airplanes out of bamboo, expecting real planes to land with supplies. They saw the superficial elements but missed the underlying principles. Similarly, many beginners believe that merely knowing a programming language will make them programmers, overlooking the fundamental understanding required. Practical Example: PHP To illustrate false logical connections, consider PHP. Whether it's physics or Spanish, the core issue is the same. In programming, false connections are rampant. Imagine a baker named Pete who buys a gas oven and reads its manual, expecting it to teach him how to bake. When it doesn't, he buys another manual and repeats the process, never learning to bake. Programming books and courses are like oven manuals. They teach you how to operate the tool but not how to create the product. True learning comes from understanding and applying concepts, not just following instructions. Understanding Documentation Documentation is often mistaken for comprehensive guides to programming. It lists methods and objects but lacks practical application guidance. To truly learn, you need to engage in practical tasks. Think of it as learning to bake by following recipes and practicing, rather than just reading about oven settings. Addressing Meaningful Misconceptions Next, let's discuss meaningful misconceptions. These occur when learners pursue tasks without understanding their relevance. For instance, Pete the baker now decides to become a chef, focusing on high-level recipe books that are visually appealing but lack precise instructions. His results are inconsistent because the guidance is too vague. In education, pursuing complex, visually appealing but vague resources often leads to poor outcomes. Misconceptions about what constitutes effective learning can waste time and resources. Understanding that difficulty doesn't equate to prolonged effort is crucial—sometimes, difficult methods can be faster and more efficient. How to Validate Your Knowledge When you’re unsure if you’re ready for a job, remember: no one ever feels fully prepared. Even experienced professionals continually learn and adapt. The key is to engage in real-world projects. For programmers, contributing to open-source projects can be invaluable. These projects expose you to practical coding standards and collaborative work environments. Finding the Right Learning Resources To find high-quality learning materials, seek out those created by entities with a vested interest in your success. Universities like MIT offer free, high-quality resources. Big tech companies also provide free courses to train potential employees. Look for materials developed by creators of popular frameworks and libraries—they often offer the best insights into their tools. Practical Advice for Aspiring Programmers If you're learning PHP, don’t just read documentation or take random online courses. Engage with comprehensive, structured resources like those from universities or major tech companies. Practical, hands-on projects are essential. Build something tangible, like a website or an application, to apply what you've learned. Conclusion: Embrace Real-World Learning Remember, self-education is about understanding and application. Don't fall for the allure of quick fixes. Engage with practical projects, seek high-quality resources, and continuously apply your knowledge. This approach will not only make you proficient but also prepare you for real-world challenges. Stay focused on your goals, embrace the learning journey, and always question the resources and methods you use. Your time and effort are valuable—invest them wisely.
  19. Audio version of the post: Anxiety-Miyamoto Musashi.mp3 Miyamoto Musashi - The Story of a Samurai Who was the first person to unravel the secret of anxiety? Miyamoto Musashi, the legendary wandering samurai, transformed into one of the deepest thinkers of his time. He was not only a master swordsman but also triumphed over an enemy familiar to many of us: anxiety. In our modern age, anxiety is a daily companion for many. This invisible, unpredictable, and overwhelming opponent infiltrates our lives without warning. However, as Musashi's lessons show, anxiety is not an all-powerful foe but a challenger that can be understood and outwitted. Today, you will not only learn the four steps to overcome anxiety but also become acquainted with the ten life precepts that Musashi adhered to throughout his life. Musashi's Life and Philosophy Musashi's life was filled with dangers and battles that required not only physical endurance but incredible mental discipline. In his treatises, such as "The Book of Five Rings," he emphasized that internal battles are as crucial as sword fights. Every opponent on the battlefield deserved respect, but Musashi taught that deep understanding of one's mind and recognition of one's fears is key to developing strategies to overcome them. Understanding Anxiety Through Musashi's Eyes Musashi's wisdom teaches us that preparation and planning can turn anxiety into confidence. He said, "He who knows the Way broadly will see it in everything." This principle highlights the importance of thorough comprehension and readiness. Musashi, a master strategist, believed that anticipating difficulties and responding effectively to them minimizes anxiety. This philosophy is applicable not only to martial arts but to any life challenge, whether it be a significant interview, business meeting, or personal project. Step One: Acknowledgment Musashi taught that acknowledging anxiety as part of our existence makes it more manageable. He approached anxiety analysis like strategic planning before a duel. Just as it is crucial to study the terrain, timing, and tactics of an opponent before battle, it is essential to examine the sources of anxiety, understand one's reactions, and prepare counter-strategies. This strategic approach transforms anxiety into a challenge that can be overcome. Step Two: Achievements Celebrate every achievement, no matter how small, as these successes bolster your ability to cope with difficulties. This method fosters productive thinking and reduces anxiety, replacing the fear of stagnation with the joy of continuous accomplishments. Musashi often emphasized the acceptance of life's transience, which he found liberating. This acceptance allows us to live in the present, unafraid of the future and unburdened by the past. Musashi's Precepts Before his death, Musashi left behind a set of precepts for his disciples, known as "The Way of Walking Alone." These sixteen principles include: 1. Do not seek pleasure for its own sake. 2. Be indifferent to where you live. 3. Do not pursue the taste of good food. 4. Do not hold on to possessions you no longer need. 5. Do not act following customary beliefs. 6. Do not collect weapons or practice with weapons beyond what is useful. 7. Do not fear death. 8. Do not seek to possess either goods or fiefs for your old age. 9. Respect Buddha and the gods without counting on their help. 10. You may abandon your own body but you must preserve your honor. 11. Never stray from the Way. These precepts highlight the importance of a purposeful life, free from the shadows of undefined fears and uncontrolled actions. Step Three: Meditation Meditation was a key element of Musashi's philosophy. It helps develop mental discipline and calmness necessary to overcome anxiety. Dedicate time each day to meditate, delve into yourself, free yourself from external distractions, and tune into your inner sensations and thoughts. This practice will enable you to find answers to internal questions, develop mindfulness, and create an inner balance that will help you face anxiety and life's challenges with confidence and clarity. Step Four: Preparation and Planning Musashi's successes and failures were accompanied by grace and composure due to his exceptional commitment to preparation. He meticulously planned every aspect he could control before his duels. This philosophy, known as "The Way," emphasizes the power of comprehensive understanding and preparation, allowing one to foresee difficulties and respond effectively, minimizing anxiety. Personal Story: Applying Musashi's Principles Allow me to share my personal journey of overcoming anxiety. My dream was to share ideas and thoughts through YouTube, engaging with a community of like-minded individuals. However, as my channel grew, so did the pressure. Expectations for each video created excitement and anticipation, but soon, numbers began to dictate my mood. I obsessively checked views and likes, and when they didn’t meet my expectations, often hovering around 5000 views, it led to severe anxiety and self-doubt. The joy of creating content was overshadowed by the stress of not achieving perceived success. It was a tough period filled with uncertainty and disappointments. During this time, I discovered Musashi and his approach to life and challenges. His wisdom deeply resonated with my struggles with anxiety and its overcoming. He taught that the real battle happens within us, as we manage our anxieties, expectations, and reactions to external circumstances. His advice to accept things as they are and his emphasis on preparation and self-improvement became a beacon of change in my approach. I started shifting my focus from outcomes to mastering my craft. I delved deep into topics, genuinely engaged with my audience, and honed my video production skills. I meticulously prepared for each video, not to chase views, but to share valuable, well-crafted content. This shift didn't happen overnight. It required practice, patience, and determination to stay true to my path, similar to a samurai's disciplined approach. Over time, this samurai mindset helped me overcome anxiety. Now, I approach my channel with Musashi's mindset, focusing on my craft rather than the results. The anxiety that once clouded my vision has significantly diminished. I realized that success on YouTube, or any other endeavor, doesn’t come from constant worry about outcomes but from a deep commitment to the craft and a serene acceptance of whatever results may come. This personal evolution not only improved my channel but also enriched me with new meanings. My journey taught me valuable lessons in resilience, determination, and inner peace. Just like Musashi, we can all learn to face our anxieties with dignity and turn our challenges into opportunities for growth. Let’s continue the legacy of this great warrior by focusing on our passions and allowing the results to follow naturally.
  20. Audio version of the post: Burnout to True Fulfillment.mp3 Why Bother Getting Up Early? Why get up early? Why take an icy, scalding shower first thing in the morning? Why train until you’re utterly exhausted? Why run so much? Why work so hard? Why go through all this suffering? Because a great Stoic philosopher, Epictetus or Marcus Aurelius, said it's the right thing to do. I used to push myself daily, striving for muscles, money, and success. The only thing I achieved was burnout. My nervous system was so exhausted that even when I genuinely wanted to work out or get things done, I couldn’t. My energy would drain rapidly, and I felt like a failure, wanting to give up entirely. All this discipline, self-control, and rigid adherence to rules can mess with your head. Instead of cleaning out the junk, we walk around with it cluttering our minds, believing that being disciplined is inherently good. But why, then, does life not improve despite being so disciplined? Finding True Balance - I am here to wash away that brainwashing and replace it with the right knowledge. Even those who preach discipline admit it doesn’t work unless you know how to use your brain effectively. That's what I learned to do. Now, I train intensely, read smart books, and work hard—all without burning out. If you tried to compete with me in my element now, you’d lose because you’d be forcing yourself, while I genuinely enjoy it. Three Life-Changing Methods - I have three methods that can change your life. They will make you remember them forever, even pass them down to your grandchildren. Manipulation of Perception To understand this, listen to a story. Did you know that wars were fought over salt, something that’s now just sitting in your kitchen? In ancient Rome, during Ancius Marcius’s reign, salt was so valuable that it was called "white gold." Rome had a monopoly on salt production, and it was so scarce and hard to extract that people traded it for gold. But once salt became easier to produce, its price dropped dramatically. The usefulness of salt never changed, but our emotional response to it did. This change in perception is crucial. The benefit we derive from something is linked to our subjective experience and emotions. In our modern world, we no longer want things because there’s so much abundance. Just like adding too much salt ruins a dish, an overabundance of stimuli diminishes our desire for anything. The Hormone of Desire Dopamine isn’t just a happiness hormone; it’s a wanting hormone. It fuels our motivation. But in today’s world, with everything so readily available, we’ve stopped wanting. To restore your focus and drive, create artificial scarcity in your life. Eliminate distractions and unnecessary apps, like I did, keeping only what’s essential. This way, you can want and achieve more in the real world. The Power of Physical and Mental Health - Physical health significantly impacts mental well-being. I want to be strong because my body is a crucial part of who I am. I aim to become a Master of Sport in kettlebell lifting, which represents my strength. When I train, every repetition makes me physically and mentally stronger. Eliminating distractions lets me focus entirely on my workout, finding joy in the process. Loving the Process - Reading is another passion. People often ask how to make themselves read more. Forcing yourself is counterproductive. You need to want to read. Remove distractions, create a conducive environment, and immerse yourself in the book. Imagine learning strategies directly from Julius Caesar’s writings or absorbing the philosophical depths of Victor Hugo. Overcoming Challenges - Motivation can wane, and that's when you need to ask yourself, "What do I want more?" It's about weighing long-term benefits against short-term desires. Let’s break this down with a concrete example: wanting to eat a burger. Read my post or watch a video about The Intrinsic Motivation. The Short-Term Desire: Eating a Burger - You smell the delicious aroma, see the juicy patty, and your mouth waters. The temptation is strong, and you can already imagine the taste of the grilled bun, the melted cheese, and the savory barbecue sauce. In the moment, it feels like indulging will bring immense pleasure. The Long-Term Goal: Health and Fitness - Now, consider the reasons not to eat the burger: 1. Nutritional Content: Burgers are often high in unhealthy fats, calories, and low-quality carbohydrates. Consuming them regularly can lead to weight gain, increased cholesterol levels, and other health issues. 2. Physical State: After eating a burger, you might feel sluggish and lethargic. If you have plans to spend quality time with loved ones or need to respond quickly to a work situation, being in a food coma won’t help. 3. Personal Standards: You strive for high standards in everything you do, including what you put into your body. Eating a mass-produced, low-quality burger doesn’t align with those standards. 4. Skin Health: You’ve struggled with acne before, and junk food can trigger breakouts. Maintaining clear skin is important to you, and avoiding such foods helps. 5. Physical Appearance: Consuming excessive salt can cause water retention, making you look puffy and less attractive. This matters if you’re on camera or meeting people. 6. Long-Term Health: Your goal is to be healthy and active for your future children. Poor dietary choices now could impact your ability to be there for them in the future. Making the Right Choice - When you lay out these reasons, it becomes clear that not eating the burger aligns more closely with your long-term goals. By focusing on these deeper motivations, the short-term pleasure of eating the burger pales in comparison to the long-term benefits of maintaining your health, energy levels, and appearance. Final Thoughts - Understand that controlling your mind is key to controlling your life. Like the Romans, who triumphed through intelligence and planning, mastering your mind will allow you to shape your reality. Remove unnecessary distractions, focus on what truly matters, and your life can transform. Subscribe and stay tuned for more insights. I'm here to help you change your life, and I believe in you.
  21. Audio version of the post: Effective Problem-Solving Method.mp3 In today's fast-paced society, we're constantly pushed to improve or risk falling behind. That's why many of us encounter difficulties when trying to learn new things, whether it's preparing scripts for meetings with top executives, comprehending complex paragraphs of dense material, or memorising new business formulas and axioms. The challenge remains the same: to learn and master any information, we need to break it down into its simplest, most understandable parts. Enter the Feynman Technique, a method devised by the brilliant physicist Richard Feynman. It’s straightforward yet incredibly effective, helping you learn twice as fast. This technique should be a vital tool in anyone's learning arsenal. Step 1: Define the Task Imagine you're struggling to understand a complex business case. The solution lies in breaking down the task into manageable parts. Focus on the final product you want to achieve – in this case, a clear understanding and application of the strategy. Don't rush. Mentally map out the result and solidify it in your mind. Now, break the task into smaller, manageable components. For example, understanding a business strategy might involve: - Identifying the underlying principles. - Understanding each element involved. - Learning the application specifics. - Finding connections with other business concepts. With everything laid out, start with the simplest component. Tackling easy parts first can give you momentum, helping you dive deeper into the more challenging aspects. Step 2: Teach It to Someone Else The core of the Feynman Technique is this: if you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough. Imagine teaching the business case to a novice. Explain it out loud, using the simplest terms possible. This exercise forces you to understand the material deeply and identify any gaps in your knowledge. As you explain, take note of any areas where you struggle – these are the parts you need to review. Step 3: Return to the Task Ensure that every detail of the case is crystal clear. Genuine understanding is the key to success. If there are any unclear aspects, address them. For example, you might understand the strategy conceptually but struggle with real-world application examples. List these problem areas and find ways to clarify them. This thorough review will prevent small misunderstandings from undermining your entire effort. Step 4: Create Associations This is the final touch. Use associations to make recall easier. For instance, if you're trying to remember key elements of a business model, use memorable abbreviations or phrases. If a strategy includes pillars like People, Process, and Profit, you might remember it with the phrase "Perfect Plan." These associations embed the concepts in your subconscious, making it easier to retrieve the information when needed. Remember, You Can Master Anything Never convince yourself that you can’t grasp a topic. With the right approach, you can make any subject manageable. Follow these steps consistently, and you'll find that even the most daunting material becomes accessible. Like an orchestra playing in harmony, each element must work together to produce a symphony. So, take action and start mastering your learning process today!
  22. Let's run a little experiment. Think back to the most useful book you read at least six months ago. Take a moment, even pause this video if you need to, and try to recall it. Got it? Maybe you can even remember some key points? If not, don't worry—you understood and remembered it perfectly while reading. Relax; forgetting is normal. Most people don't use special techniques to retain information, and this happens for two reasons. First, there's the forgetting curve. Hermann Ebbinghaus described it in detail. In short, the more time passes after learning something new, the more information you forget. About 80% of what you read can be forgotten within the first 24 hours. That’s a huge problem, right? Secondly, we're constantly bombarded with information. We process and read thousands of words daily—notifications, ads, work chats, documents—all pouring in from every direction. Back in 2009, American scientists estimated that the average person processes about 100,000 words daily. By 2017, researchers from the University of Melbourne found that people who watched one specific talk show weekly could recall it better after 140 days than those who watched multiple shows. Prepare Yourself for Reading This is crucial, especially when exploring a new topic or when you know the information will be useful. Intentional reading engages your brain, which tends to be lazy and easily distracted. Decide in advance when and why you will read. Do you want to become smarter to achieve something? Develop a skill? Earn more money? Outshine a colleague? Expand your horizons? Improve a hobby? Answer these questions, and you’re halfway there. Avoid reading complex books when you're tired, as it won't be effective. Take Notes as if for Someone Else After reading a chapter, jot down the main points. Audrey Vandermeer from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology found that handwriting notes activates the brain more than typing them. If you do use a computer or tablet, try not to reference the book while note-taking. This forces you to recall and consolidate what you've read. Don’t obsess over taking notes on everything—focus on reinforcing new neural connections by summarizing key insights. Share What You've Learned If you can’t explain it to someone else, you probably don’t understand it well yourself. Discuss the book or explain it to someone shortly after reading. This reinforces new neural pathways. The effort your brain puts into recalling and organizing the information makes it more valuable and memorable. You can also share your thoughts in a blog or even just in your notes. Engage Your Inner Critic Approach the material with a critical eye, like a literary critic looking for flaws. This activates cognitive functions rather than passively absorbing information. Ask Questions Instead of taking traditional notes, ask yourself questions before, during, and after reading. What do you want to gain from the book? How will you apply the information? Can you explain it to someone else? If not, go back and review or use other techniques. Be Visual If you're more of a visual learner, create sketches and diagrams. Draw connections and associations. Studies have shown that the quality of the drawings doesn't matter—what’s important is that they help you remember. It's Okay to Pause If a book doesn’t make sense right away, it might be too advanced for you at the moment. Set it aside and read related material from blogs or articles, or look up unfamiliar terms. The next time you approach it, it will be easier. These techniques might seem simple, but that’s their danger—you might forget to use them. Try incorporating at least a few into your routine and see what works best for you. The key is to start applying them.
  23. Audio version of this post: Can't live without.mp3 The Power of Meaningful Communication Have you ever wondered what one thing we absolutely can't live without? No, I'm not talking about the basics like breathing or sleeping. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry called it the only true luxury, Theodore Roosevelt saw it as the key to success, and Aristotle considered it a hallmark of friendship. Even Tom Hanks' character in "Cast Away" created a quirky companion out of a volleyball to fill this void. Yes, I'm talking about meaningful, deep, and engaging communication. In today's world, communicating through social media and messengers is straightforward. If you're unsure what to say, a simple emoji or a few moments to gather your thoughts can do the trick. But when it comes to face-to-face interaction, things get a bit trickier. Awkward silences, stilted conversations with new acquaintances, or the dreaded filler words can make social interactions challenging. Here, I'll share nine practical tips to help you converse effortlessly with anyone. Be Present in the Conversation Every person has a fascinating story with unique highs and lows, some so unbelievable that you couldn't make them up. Listening attentively not only shows respect but can also inspire you or protect you from making the same mistakes. Everyone is an expert in something, so stay engaged and you might pick up a new business idea or the next viral TikTok trend. Avoid missing out on crucial advice while checking notifications on your phone. Ask Open-Ended Questions Borrowed from journalism school, open-ended questions cannot be answered with a simple 'yes' or 'no'. For instance, instead of asking, "Did you like the bar you went to this weekend?" try, "I saw you visited a bar this weekend. How was it?" This prompts your conversation partner to reflect on their emotions and share their experiences. Share Your Opinions and Stories Mix questions with statements to foster a dialogue. For example, "I've always wanted to visit that bar, but I’m worried I might feel out of place," or "I saw your stories from the bar; it looked like you had a great time." These comments invite your partner to engage and possibly challenge your perspective. Sharing your own stories can also break the ice. Imagine telling a tale about a guy bringing his fluffy dog to the bar, and how everyone ended up playing with the dog, leading to a fun, memorable evening. Avoid Criticism Unsolicited criticism can derail even the most pleasant conversation. If a friend complains about their boss, resist the urge to criticize them further. Instead, find common ground for a more supportive discussion. Negative comments about mutual dislikes can bond people together, but make sure it's not at the expense of the other person's feelings. Find Common Interests Discussing mutual interests can make conversations endless and strengthen your relationships. Whether it's about TV shows, hobbies, or shared values, common topics are the backbone of lasting connections. Remember Details Remembering details like names, pets, kids, and workplaces can make your conversation partner feel valued and respected. It's almost like magic—recalling these facts can leave a lasting positive impression. Embrace Pauses Replace filler words with thoughtful pauses. Initially, it might feel awkward, but over time, this practice will make your speech clearer and more impactful. Who knows, you might even get comfortable enough to start your own podcast! Go with the Flow Don’t get stuck on a single thought waiting for your turn to speak. Instead, let the conversation flow naturally. If your point is truly valuable, it will resurface naturally. This way, you'll be more present and responsive in the conversation. Use Connecting Elements Notice and use connecting elements that naturally arise during the conversation. For instance, if your partner mentions wanting to take a vacation but being swamped with work, you can explore various angles: how they feel about the situation, their skiing experience, details about the festival they wanted to attend, the new client, or alternative ways to relax without taking time off. Conclusion The key to engaging conversations lies in genuine interest and active participation. By practicing these tips, you'll find yourself having more meaningful and enjoyable interactions. Stay attentive, be curious, and let the dialogue unfold naturally. Happy talking!
  24. Audio version of this post: Can't Fall Asleep.mp3 It's 11:30 PM. The day is winding down, and you head to bed. As usual, you start scrolling through TikTok, hoping to unwind. But after a while, boredom sets in, and you put down your phone, genuinely trying to sleep. That’s when it happens—your mind floods with random thoughts. You think about old memories, what you could have said to that jerk ten years ago, how you could have beaten that guy in the competition you lost, and what you would change if you could redo your past failures. You fight to push these thoughts away to finally relax and sleep, but it’s no use. You toss and turn, flipping your pillow, trying to find comfort. Suddenly, at 3 AM, inspiration and motivation hit. You make a firm decision to change your life. You promise yourself that you’ll wake up at 7 AM, restore your sleep schedule, sign up for the gym, stop procrastinating, start studying hard, earn millions, and roll up to your college in a Lamborghini, showing everyone what you’re worth. Your life will never be the same once you wake up. You’re so determined that you grab your phone and write down all the resolutions you’ll follow from now on. But sleep still eludes you, and with your phone in hand, you decide to scroll a bit more until you get sleepy. Hours pass, and eventually, you put down your phone and finally drift off to sleep. Then comes the big moment - your alarm rings at 7 AM, signaling the start of your new life. But you’re in such a daze that you barely remember falling asleep. You turn off the alarm, planning to nap for just another hour. When you wake up, it’s 2 PM. The night’s motivation and plans for life changes have vanished. You pick up your phone or sit at your computer, and the cycle repeats. I bet everyone has experienced this at some point. When trying to sleep, I was just like you, watching countless YouTube videos on military sleep techniques. But those who’ve never dodged the army know you can fall asleep perfectly fine without them. Personally, I love sleeping so much that I often skipped school and arrived at college by the third or fourth period. I even napped during exams. But why is it that I can’t fall asleep at night? Let's figure this out. Today, you'll learn how to fall asleep in one minute, why you can’t wake up on weekdays but wake up at the crack of dawn on weekends, and how to reset your sleep schedule in a single day, even if you work night shifts. Plus, I’ll explain why motivation hits at 3 AM and how to always get a good night's sleep. Sleep - no need to explain it. You've read the children’s encyclopedia and the school's biology textbook. Sleep is one of the most vital needs of your body, on par with food. You can go a day or two without it, but beyond that, it gets tough. But how do you sleep efficiently and get enough rest in a short time? We've all had those mornings when mom wakes you up for work at 7 AM, but you haven’t slept well at all, and the desire to get up is nonexistent. Who even decided that work should start early in the morning? You think to yourself, "I'll catch up on sleep over the weekend." Come the weekend, you wake up on Saturday morning at 8 AM, bright and early, and sit at your computer with your Discord buddies, with the desire to sleep in gone. But why does this happen? It all comes down to sleep phases. For us, sleep feels like a sudden plunge into oblivion with uncontrollable dreams we usually forget by morning. Sleep is cyclical and consists of phases. You’ve probably heard this before. First comes the slow-wave sleep phase, divided into three stages: light sleep (N1 and N2), from which you can easily wake up without feeling groggy. These stages take about half an hour. That's why power naps are recommended to last no more than 30 minutes - any longer, and you enter the deep sleep stage (N3). During N3, your body undergoes major rest and recovery, including immune system strengthening and other vital functions. Waking someone in this deep sleep stage is challenging, but if you nap for an hour and a half and hit this stage, you'll wake up disoriented and sweaty. After slow-wave sleep, your brain speeds up, entering the rapid eye movement (REM) sleep phase. During REM sleep, you have the most vivid dreams, and your eyes move rapidly as if watching the dream. One sleep cycle lasts about 90 minutes and then repeats. During a typical eight-hour sleep, you go through about five of these cycles. Toward morning, the light sleep phases become longer, which is why we remember our last dream best. Your body becomes more active and sensitive as it prepares to wake up. The answer to why you wake up early on weekends lies in your weekday habits. During the week, you stay up till 3 AM scrolling TikTok or doing whatever, and your phone wakes you up in the middle of a deep sleep phase, disrupting your cycle. But on weekends, you sleep soundly, and the morning light or another stimulus wakes you during a light sleep phase, making waking up easier. So, we've covered sleep phases. But why does motivation hit at night and vanish by morning? It’s simple - during the day, you're bombarded with noise, people, and digital distractions. At night, everything quiets down, giving your thoughts a chance to surface. Nighttime becomes the only time for self-reflection without work or school distractions. This mental excitement is why night motivation strikes and keeps you awake. Another reason is hormones. The hormone responsible for making you sleepy is adenosine. Imagine it like a battery charge - the higher the concentration of adenosine in your brain, the sleepier you get. When it peaks, you’ll fall asleep no matter where you are. Melatonin, another sleep hormone, signals your body that it's dark and time to sleep. Instead of relying on sleep aids or unproven supplements, grab some melatonin from the pharmacy. It’s cheap and available over the counter. To reset your sleep schedule, skip the dubious tips and focus on one day. Let’s say it’s 4 AM, and you’ve just finished a gaming session and scrolled through TikTok. To reset, don’t sleep. Tough it out for one day. Stay awake until 10 PM. I’ve done it while working night shifts, so I know you can too. It will be hard, especially between 4 and 7 AM, but if you distract yourself and power through, you'll reset your clock. Then, go to bed at 10 PM and let your body naturally fall asleep. Now, about different sleep patterns. While the typical recommendation is eight hours of sleep at night, there are other ways to manage sleep. Leonardo da Vinci and Nikola Tesla reportedly slept for only a few hours a day. There’s monophasic sleep (one block of sleep), biphasic sleep (a long sleep at night and a nap during the day), and polyphasic sleep (several shorter sleep periods throughout the day). If you’ve ever come home from work and napped for an hour or so, you’ve experienced biphasic sleep. It’s not uncommon, and it’s how I managed sleep during work hours. One trick to enhance a nap is the “coffee nap.” Drink a coffee before a 20-minute nap. By the time you wake up, the caffeine kicks in, and you feel more alert. Just don’t nap longer than 30 minutes, or you’ll enter deep sleep and wake up groggy. Polyphasic sleep involves multiple sleep periods throughout the day. It’s challenging but can be effective for those with irregular schedules. Lastly, if you struggle to fall asleep, try this foolproof method. Open a window to cool the room, take melatonin, and avoid screens. Take a warm bath, then lie down and look up at the top corner of your room. Relax and let your eyes follow the imagined path to sleep. This method helps you drift off quickly. If all else fails, use the one-day reset strategy. Remember, a consistent sleep schedule is crucial. Prioritise sleep over late-night distractions, and your body will thank you. Sleep well, everyone.
  25. Albert Einstein once referred to compound interest as the eighth wonder of the world. He said, "Those who understand it, earn it; those who don't, pay it." Sadly, many people overlook the power of this matter as a myth that won't bring them profit or success. They believe that nothing is more secure than a regular job. But those who truly grasp the concept of compound interest can achieve financial independence beyond their wildest dreams. Today I will debunk all the myths surrounding compound interest and show you its true power. This concept can transform your daily cup of coffee into a luxury sports car worth millions. How? Let's dive in. Imagine a person at the top of a mountain rolling a small snowball down the slope. As the snowball rolls, it picks up more snow, growing larger with each turn until it becomes an avalanche that sweeps away everything in its path. This snowball represents investments growing through compound interest over time. Now picture someone at the bottom of the mountain facing this unstoppable avalanche, symbolizing debts accumulating from ignored interest rates and burying the person in financial ruin. How Compound Interest Can Work for You Compound interest is a double-edged sword. It can work for or against you, depending on how you use it. Many people argue, "How can I invest when apartment prices are sky-high? I need to take out a mortgage; I can't sleep on the street or waste money on rent." Let's break this down. Imagine taking a mortgage for a modest apartment in St. Petersburg, costing 9 million rubles over 30 years. You need a down payment of at least 10%. Do you have that million rubles for the down payment? Probably not, so you'd likely need another loan. Over 30 years, you'd end up paying 32 million rubles, effectively gifting the bank four apartments' worth of money. "But at least I'm investing in my place instead of wasting money on rent," you might say. However, look at the payment schedule: you'd pay 132,000 rubles monthly. In 10 years, you'd have paid 15 million rubles, yet only 1 million goes towards the principal, and 14 million goes to the bank. What if, instead, you rented a similar apartment and invested the difference between rent and a mortgage payment? In 10 years, reinvesting your savings could allow you to buy an apartment outright. In 20 years, you could accumulate 98 million rubles. Investing 56% of your salary over 30 years could result in a net profit of 400 million rubles. The Reality of Bank Deposits Many people, upon hearing about compound interest, rush to check bank deposit rates. They either find that banks don't offer high enough interest rates or fear that inflation will erode their savings. Both concerns are valid, but there's a crucial point they miss: how many millionaires do you know who got rich from bank deposits? None. Warren Buffet wouldn't be on Forbes' list if he relied on bank deposits. Bank deposits might protect your money from inflation to some extent, but they won't let compound interest work its magic. To harness the real power of compound interest, you need to invest in assets that outpace inflation, such as stocks, some precious metals, or cryptocurrencies. Real estate, typically requiring significant upfront investment, isn't as accessible for compound growth as stocks or bonds, which can outperform inflation over time. The Path to Financial Freedom Consider Warren Buffet's wealth accumulation graph. It's awe-inspiring but can also be disheartening if you focus only on the final numbers. Instead, look at the range between ages 30 to 40. Achieving millionaire status by 30-35, living off passive income, and having the freedom to do as you please is far more attainable than you think. To unlock this potential, you must start now. Time is the most crucial element in leveraging compound interest, and it’s hard to catch up if you delay. While your peers might waste time and money on short-term pleasures, you could be investing in your future. A decade of disciplined investing can lead to a lifetime of financial freedom. Turning a Cup of Coffee into a Sports Car Let's put this into perspective with a simple example. Suppose you buy a cup of coffee daily for 200 rubles. What if you saved that money instead? By investing 6,000 rubles monthly (the cost of daily coffee), in 14 years, you could afford a decent car worth 5 million rubles. It might seem modest, but consider if you also quit smoking and saved an additional 5,000 rubles monthly. Over the same period, you could save 10 million rubles. Regularity is key in this process. Maintaining financial discipline will naturally lead to higher earnings as you start investing. Remember, to win, you must first play the game. Start small, stay consistent, and watch compound interest transform your financial future.
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